Past Events

Please note, due to the large file size, download times on some of these items could vary. If you have any technical difficulty downloading these exhibits, please call 512-342-3299.

 Previous MoPac South Environmental Study Events:

You may view the archived materials presented at each public event below.

  • Open House #6 - 11/12/2024-1/28/2025 (virtual + in-person)
  • Open House #5 - 11/22/2021-1/7/2022 (virtual only)
  • Open House #4 - 11/10/2015 at the Palmer Events Center,  (virtual + in-person)
  • Open House #3 - 2/26/2015 at Hill Country Middle School (virtual + in-person)
  • Open House #2 - 4/26/2014 at Barton Creek Square Mall (virtual + in-person)
  • Open House #1 - 11/7/2013 at Bowie High School (virtual + in-person)

Open House #6 (11/12/2024-1/28/2025) Materials for Download 


2045 Traffic Forecast Update (3/13/24) 

Every five years, the Regional Planning Organization, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) for Central Texas, updates the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) to better reflect the population and employment demographics, travel patterns, and regional projects. Per the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, every Environmental Assessment must include a traffic study performed to Federal Standards based on the most recent RTP.

The MoPac South Environmental Study has been updated with the most recent data provided in the CAMPO 2045 Travel Demand Model. The new Corridor Model has been utilized to complete the traffic evaluation of reasonable alternatives presented in Open House #3 and the Operational Configuration Options presented in Open House #4 and #5.

Click below to learn about the changes to the Corridor Model and see the results of the build alternatives traffic evaluation.

 2045 Update

Open House #5 (Virtual-only 11/22/2021-1/7/2022) Materials for Download 




Open House #4 (11/10/2015) Materials for Download          

NOTE: Project materials, schematics, cost estimates, and other data linked below were developed in 2015 and have not been updated since. 


General materials

1A. One Express Lane + Downtown Direct Connection

Informational Video and Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

1B. one express lane without downtown direct connection

Informational Video and Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

2A. Two Express lanes + downtown direct connection

Informational Video and Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

2B. two express lanes without downtown direct connection

Informational Video and Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

2C. two express lanes + elevated ramps near barton skyway

Informational Video and Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

 3. city of austin proposal

Configuration Fact Sheet

Configuration Renderings

travel time data


VISSIM modeling allows us to visualize how changes in the roadway network could impact traffic within the network. Watch the video below to learn more about how the express lane(s) operational configuration options described above could impact travel times and traffic patterns on MoPac, and downtown Austin.

Downtown Traffic Impacts

The Mobility Authority contacted the University of Texas Center for Transportation Research (CTR) to provide data that would help us understand how the addition of express lanes on MoPac, in several of the six configurations currently being considered, could impact travel times on the street network within downtown Austin. CTR conducted an independent analysis of these impacts through a local dynamic traffic assignment, or DTA, study. Learn more about the results of this study through our video interview with Jennifer Duthie, Ph.D., Director of the Network Modeling Center at CTR.

Open House #3 (2/26/2015) Materials for Download:


NOTE: Project materials, schematics, cost estimates, and other data linked below were developed in 2015 and have not been updated since. 


Conceptual Layouts

Conceptual layouts are engineering documents designed to provide more detail on proposed improvements identified by the MoPac South Environmental Study. You can use these documents to identify places you visit often, learn more about proposed entrance and exit ramps, and find your commonly utilized routes.

Display Boards and Handouts

2/17/2015 Workshop Materials for Download:

On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 a Bicycle and Pedestrian Workshop was held to inform and seek feedback on the Mobility Authority’s current and proposed investment in bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Team members from the four projects currently under study – 183 North Mobility Project, MoPac South, MoPac Intersections and the Oak Hill Parkway Project were on hand to explain the proposed improvements and record input.  The event was attended by 17 individuals from 6 different organizations representing the bicycle and pedestrian community.


NOTE: Project materials, schematics, cost estimates, and other data linked below were developed in 2015 and have not been updated since. 


Display Boards and Handouts 

Open House #2 (4/29/2014) Materials for Download:


NOTE: Project materials, schematics, cost estimates, and other data linked below were developed in 2014 and have not been updated since. 


Display Boards and Handouts

Open House #1 (11/7/2013) Materials for Download: 


NOTE: Project materials, schematics, cost estimates, and other data linked below were developed in 2013 and have not been updated since. 


Display Boards and Handouts

Please note, due to the large file size, download times on some of these items could vary. If you have any technical difficulty downloading these exhibits, please call 512-342-3299.

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried-out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated December 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.

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